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Irie Kyosuke
古手 梨花
Wiek Pomiędzy 20-30
Urodziny 25 sierpień
Broń Pistolet
Pierwszy raz w Onikakushi-hen
Głos japoński Seki Toshihiko
Liczba morderstw Nie wiadomo
Liczba zgonów 6
Piosenka Heaven's door

Irie Kyosuke jest drugoplanową postacią w Higurashi no naku koro ni. Jest lekarzem w Klinice Irie, a w wolnym czasie trenerem drużyny baseballowej. 




Rodzina Irie

Irie dorastał w biedzie, ale zawsze chciał zostać lekarzem. W dzieciństwie lubił udawać lekarza z przyjaciółmi. 

Jego ojciec był pracownikiem budowlanym, zaś kariera matki jest nieznana. Choć ojciec był dla niego surowy i nie okazywał prawie żadnych uczuć, to Irie miał dobre relacje z rodzicami.

Kolegium i szkoła medyczna

When Irie moved into college, he felt the stress of becoming a doctor and keeping up with his schoolwork catch up to him. He began to want to let himself be taken over by the city life, but prevented himself from succumbing by reading letters from home. One day Irie received a letter that described his father's sudden violent outbursts in the postscript. He had thought that it was odd, but brushed it off. One winter day, Irie returned to his apartment and saw his mother there with her luggage. She had fled there due to the escalating abuse and could not return to her own family. Irie planned on going back home to talk to his father during the New Year break; unfortunately his father passed away before he had the chance to.

As Irie progressed further in his studies, his mother became senile and started criticising her husband more often. Irie then discussed his father's medical conditions with a professor, who told Irie that it was a result of organic brain syndrome. This is where Irie became interested in psychosurgery, thinking that the reason his father developed symptoms was because he was hit on the head by a 2x4 during construction, causing his brain to develop a tumor that affected his frontal lobe.

Irie attempted to convince his relatives that his father became violent due to organic brain syndrome, but despite his efforts, no one believed Irie. While his mother was on her deathbed, he attempted to explain the disorder and convince her that he was mentally ill. The last words out of her mouth were "Please do not bury my body next to dad."

Irie then believed that the reason he was unable to convince anyone was because he did not study neurology, and soon developed a complex centered at himself for being helpless. For that reason, he began to study neurology and psychosurgery, intending that other patients like his father would not have to suffer the same discrimination that his father had to deal with.




Irie jest wysoki i umięśniony. Ma jasnobrązowe włosy z przedziałkiem na środku i zielone oczy. Nosi prostkokątne okulary.

Kiedy pracuje w klinice ubiera się w czarny garnitur, żółty krawat i biały fartuch. W wolne dni Irie nosi żółtą koszulkę, białe spodnie i niebieskie buty.
